
***Hey my beautiful bloggers***

I need a little inspiration and motivation

and I need, well want you guys to help me!

I want all my loyal followers to go

right back to my first post on September

3rd 2012 and let me know of all

unseen favorites like my

good blogging friend Kitt did for me.

I didn’t even ask her to do it…

She is just really cool like that. 🙂

Thanks Kitt! She made me

realise just how many post’s she

liked that she had never

thought to even look at…

So for me please go right back to the

start of my silly little blog…

Like/dislike comment and state

why you like the post and any

thumbs up and thumbs down

are appreciated… I have been

so tired lately and had so much

going on I just can’t seem to focus



BUT with your help I

can know what you all like the

most in terms of my different topics

and writing styles, so that I can

concentrate on putting all the best

bits into my next few posts for

you guys and the beauty of

it is you get to see your feedback

come to life, plus you get to see where

I started and you will know me

that little bit more!

Plus some of my older posts are

hilarious, even if I may say so

myself. When I get on that caffeine high

I am on a crazy blogging trip.

I will in return do the same for

everyone that does this for me,

plus anything else asked of me.

Within reason of course!

Don’t take the piss, ok?


Some of you I have become closer

to then others and I think

you all know who you are. This

way I hope the not so active

followers of mine will speak up too.

To be honest my whole blog

is pretty random.. There isn’t repetition really.

Even my poems are random and personal!

I write in the moment and I always have.

I write on impulsive inspiration.

At my peak I have thought and worried

I was becoming addicted to

blogging… I think my Mum worried

a bit to bless her heart! 🙂

I know that when people start following

someone new they barely ever go

back to the start to see where

it all started for them… To be honest you may

find some posts that help

you because I was heavily

inspired 4 months ago when

I started this blog…

I wrote everything I needed

advice on and help with.

I needed to let it out,

I needed an outlet, I never

realised just how much I would

start to love writing and sharing

it all with such amazing and

inspirational people.

It was like I was healing myself!

That was when life started getting

tough… Then it got tougher,

worse and then just back to tough!


But this year I want to make

BIG differences… I want this to be a great year

and I will do what I need

to make that become a reality…


After I have caught up on my

sleep of course and got my

head together as recently

my emotions/thoughts and

general ups and downs have

been all over the place…

Lot’s of bad news…

Not enough good news.

Too much work and not

enough play time for the Vixen.

Next Monday I am pretty

sure I will be well on my

way back to a normal

day in the life of a Vixen…

After a long restful and happy

weekend with the best person I

have ever met!

So with your help I will make

my next post great! Everyone’s

feedback combined with all

the best bits about my blog!

In your opinions…


I love you people.

I value everything you say!

Thank you so much for all

the comments, likes, awards

and general interest. You all

give me a purpose… Without

my followers this is nothing

more than a diary…

Every single like and comment

means so much to me and I am so

grateful that since x-mas day

I have gained like a good 64 followers.

If I can’t ask you guys for

help with my blog…

Who can I ask? 🙂

I thank everyone that does this

for me in advance and hope

this post will not be ignored.

That is all.

Love always…

~Vagenda Vixen~



  1. you still owe me a guest blog layyyydeeeeee (i think – pfft my heads been up my bum too lately…eww…not literally…but shhh) SO I will do as requested on the condition that the guest blog IOU expiry date is extended further 9and therefore still valid) until you are back to your old (young) self 😉

    1. Hey sweetie I know but I want my guest post to be amazing for you or at least really good lol so this way if you please extend my time (flutters eyelashes) I will do you a bomb post when I am feeling myself and that is a promise miss you have my word! 🙂 I am sorry Soph but I have not forgotten hun! X

      1. of course silly bum thats what it saaaaaaays – if you extend the IOU and pinky promise to write me an
        AH MAZE ZA ZING guest post when youre feeling better, I will go and check yours out 😉

      2. Lol you know about the pinky promise! You are too cool LOL you have my word my darling 😀 Ah I love your energy it has lifted my spirits even in this tired state!

      3. hells yeah 🙂 you dont f*ck with a pinky promise! – my husband learnt that the hard way lol

      4. You KNOW this MAYNE! 😀 Ha-ha oh dear what did he do? Yes you NEVER break a pinky ever! Well let me know what you think of my older posts sweetz

      5. Its further in my happy book (and crossed out) so ill be blogging about it one day 😉

  2. I can see this is going to be a weekend filling job, will start tomorrow with the laptop and look forward to whatever it is you’ve got on offer here 😄 one thing though, normally and given the time, I tend to go back to the beginnings and then pick some inbetween to read – same with the books I read 😉

    1. I am truly touched that you would do this for me and it means more then I can express for anyone that pays attention to my post it’s noted all the people will be mentioned and thanked @ some point, the fact people can take time out of their lives to read about my thoughts is a blessing… Thank you and I hear you about your reads, some people do go back, just not many 🙂

  3. I’m a new fan ! So, I just can’t wait to see what you come up with next. Best of luck to you !

    1. Thank you for your support! 🙂 I will do my best to post more often! Thanks for following.

      1. You are most welcome 🙂 It’s a pleasure! Hope to keep in touch!

      2. Thank you… Wow I am so touched at the response I am getting! Means so much and I will of course keep in touch 🙂

  4. Ok, but I have to do it this weekend when I don’t write nor blog. Hugs my friend. Sheri

    1. I would be very pleased for your help Sheri! 🙂 if I’m honest I didn’t doubt you! Thank you so much for showing so much interest in my blog, I will also not be writing this weekend, way too busy so come Monday I look forward to writing! 🙂 Hugs back xXx

  5. I can help by linking you to my site:)


    1. Lol I am not sure what this means at all but it made me laugh loud when I read it… Thanks I guess? : S

      1. What can I say. . .I like your (blog) site:)


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